"If I had a son, he'd look like Trayvon," Obama said, underscoring how the issue affected him on a personal, and not just a political or legal, level. "I think [Trayvon's parents] are right to expect that all of us as Americans are going to take this with the seriousness it deserves, and we are going to get to the bottom of exactly what happened."
The statement by Obama came after he introduced Dartmouth President Jim Kim to be the next head of the World Bank during an appearance in the Rose Garden. He took only one question before heading back into the West Wing -- signaling that both he and his press handlers were feeling pressure, coming from black activists and others, to make a public comment on the Martin case.
Pe ce criterii se dau licentele de port arma?Si mai important este ,CUI? Concret ce profil psihologic trebuie sa aiba cel care detine si obtine un permis de port arma? Cat de usor se cumpara o arma in USA stie toata lumea.Cat de pregatiti psihologic si cine face o educatie pshiohologica a vitorilor posesori de permise de port arma?Cat de siguri sunt adolescentii in USA?Cat de siguri sunt cetatenii USA pe straziile din USA? RIP TRAYVON.